![]() It's certainly become clear that the Mayan Calendar ended in 2012 because the natives ran out of space on their stone tablet. It's time to carry on and say hello to the New Year. For all those people who find the number 13 "unlucky" or otherwise "phobic", they might consider calling it the Year TWENTY ONETY THREE So, we leave 2012 with some questions still unanswered. We still don't know what came first... the chicken or the egg ? I'm fairly certain to have figured that one out recently. When I visited my friend's hen house last week, I noticed one of her chickens smoking a cigarette with a satisfied smile on its face. The eggs were laying around, frowning and looking slightly annoyed. I think that speaks for itself. MERRY NEW YEAR !
![]() At the Monastery of Our Lady of the Rosary in Summit, New Jersey, there are 17 Dominican Nuns working very hard to make ends meet by running a Mail Order Gift Shop called THE CLOISTER SHOPPE These industrious women are SOLELY responsible for their financial support, relying completely on Divine Providence. The Roman Catholic Church, The Vatican, The Holy See, The Bishop, etc... DOES NOT - DOES NOT financially assist them in any way AT ALL !!! ![]() That means that your last minute gift can have dual purpose and double strength in what it will do for others. They offer beautiful hand made, natural soaps in bar, as well as refillable 8 oz liquid bottles in many various scents and sets that customers simply rave about ! One of their most popular sellers is a citrus basil soap that is simply divine. They've also created NATURAL scented room sprays that won't poison your children and pets at a fraction of Walmart prices in environmentally conscious pump spray bottles ![]() If you're looking for natural body creams and lotions, they have made them as well. What I like the very best is the ability to CREATE YOUR OWN GIFT BASKET, which they will fill with your exact specifications. There are many plusses and more choices at the CLOISTER SHOPPE. They offer books, dvds, religious statues and rosaries. You can pay safely and securely with PAY PAL and they boast of FAST REASONABLE SHIPPING ! Have a look and GET YOUR ORDER IN VERY SOON as all production CEASES on DECEMBER 17 th ! ![]() Remember to check out their beautiful 2013 calendar. They must be singing "Dominique" { one of my favorites } in this sample calendar picture. Simply click here or on the highlighted names in this article to be immediately directed to their website and gift shop. You'll be glad you did ! ![]() In 1943, Norman Rockwell rendered this heartfelt image of a WW2 refugee thanking God for her meal. The painting was used as the cover for The Saturday Evening Post. It shows evidence of an unseen generous US Soldier who has loaned the young woman his large coat to stay warm. Although seventy years have passed since that insane era, the image can very easily be believed in our own time, for we still haven't solved the problem of people suffering in similar situations. The madness of war continues under a new name and the innocent continue to be the greatest victims. ![]() As the Roman Empire, founded on military might, fell apart, so we live in a similar period of decay. The Founder of Harvard University's Sociology Department, Pitirim Sorokin, observed that our culture is oriented towards the physical senses; has exhausted itself and is d i s s o l v i n g; proving that the future MUST reform itself around other ideas and purposes. Let's hope we are able to form around the idea and purpose of L O V E which brings with it many spiritual fruits, such as JOY - WISDOM - UNDERSTANDING - COUNSEL KINDNESS - GOODNESS - PATIENCE FAITHFULNESS - GENTLENESS - SELF CONTROL FORTITUDE - KNOWLEDGE - PEACE { to name a few } as opposed to egomania, greed and other hate filled havoc wreaking ideologies before we all perish ! ![]() For those of you who have a tremendous amount to be grateful for, and will be concerned about roasting the finest Turkey ever, I share the following reliable and successful technique: PERFECT TURKEY or TURKEY BREAST EVERY TIME ! Done in almost half the time of most recipes, this no fail method will bring you the result. The only requirements for the success of this procedure is knowing the total weight of your oven ready bird, { which includes the weight of the stuffing, if any }, and Aluminum Foil or tight fitting cover for the roasting pan. You'll need to do a bit of math, so get your pencil and paper ready. CLEAN, SEASON, {Bell's Seasoning is as good as it gets, or create your own mixture. Some folks swear that the enzymes in dried Apricots added around the bird, help in making it even juicier, giving a different unexpected flavour, despite the sulphites. Some criss cross the breast with bacon for yet another dimension of flavour. This bacon is removed before the last half hour of roasting.}, STUFF, {if desired- but REMEMBER to know the approximate weight of your stuffing}, AND TRUSS THE BIRD. COOKING TIME FORMULA FOR TWELVE POUNDS OR LESS OF TURKEY: 15,{ FIFTEEN }, MINUTES PER POUND PLUS AN ADDITIONAL 15,{ FIFTEEN }, MINUTES. EXAMPLE: TEN POUND TURKEY PLUS ONE POUND STUFFING IN BIRD EQUALS ELEVEN POUNDS OVEN READY BIRD. {11 pounds oven ready bird } X { 15 minutes } = 165 minutes + 15 minutes = 180 MINUTES or 3 HOURS COMPLETE START TO FINISH ROASTING TIME. COOKING TIME FORMULA FOR OVEN READY TURKEYS WEIGHING MORE THAN TWELVE POUNDS: 15,{ FIFTEEN }, MINUTES PER POUND FOR THE FIRST TWELVE POUNDS, PLUS 12,{ TWELVE }, MINUTES PER POUND FOR EACH POUND OVER THE ORIGINAL TWELVE POUNDS, PLUS AN ADDITIONAL 15,{ FIFTEEN }, MINUTES. EXAMPLE: FOURTEEN POUND TURKEY PLUS TWO POUNDS STUFFING IN BIRD EQUALS SIXTEEN POUNDS OVEN READY BIRD. { 12 pounds } X { 15 minutes } = 180 minutes PLUS { 4 pounds } X { 12 minutes } = 48 minutes PLUS an additional 15 minutes. FULL ROASTING TIME CONSEQUENTLY EQUALS 243 MINUTES or 4 HOURS and FIVE MINUTES !!! Now that you know what your roasting time will be, this is the procedure: PREHEAT OVEN TO 400 DEGREES ! PLACE BIRD IN ROASTING PAN AND SEAL WELL WITH ALUMINUM FOIL LEAVING A BIT OF SPACE BETWEEN THE FOIL AND THE BREAST SO THE SKIN WON'T STICK TO THE FOIL. PLACE BIRD IN OVEN. SET TIMER FOR FIFTEEN MINUTES !!! WHEN TIMER RINGS, TURN DIAL ON OVEN TO 375 DEGREES. DO NOT OPEN OVEN DOOR !!! NOW CALCULATE WHAT TIME IT WILL BE WHEN THERE IS A HALF HOUR REMAINING OF YOUR FULL ROASTING TIME. WHEN THAT TIME COMES, OPEN OVEN DOOR AND REMOVE ENTIRE ROASTING PAN FROM OVEN. CLOSE OVEN DOOR AS SOON AS POSSIBLE TO KEEP HEAT IN. CAREFULLY, { and I mean carefully as steam will wildly escape at this point }, REMOVE FOIL, { and bacon if you used it }. REPLACE BIRD INTO OVEN AND ROAST FOR THE FINAL HALF HOUR. YOUR BIRD IS NOW PERFECTLY ROASTED AND GOLDEN ! REMEMBER TO ALLOW IT TO REST FOR TWENTY MINUTES BEFORE CARVING ! !!! HAPPY THANKSGIVING !!! ![]() The process of moving in together was a long drawn out task. It was a constant struggle to keep the one bedroom apt organized and livable. Happily, we worked especially well with each other, running DeFilippo Studio, Inc. and managing the 69 Unit Apt building where we lived and worked. We juggled our responsibilities, opening the sound stage at 7:30 A.M. for shoots, producing TV commercials, designing and creating special effects, dealing with tenants and building issues into the night. After twelve years of this routine, we had become well accustomed to having dinner at 11:00 P.M. One evening, after scaring every imaginary monster away for one of the nutty tenants, Dom and I finally had time to sit. I was determined to create room in our overfilled closets and asked him to spend time getting rid of unused things. "All those ancient suits", I went on, " I've never even seen you wear any of em. They're outdated... like that checkered thing, the corduroy one and that cream one. " "Oh !", Dom mused, " Well... let me tell you somethin', Babe", { the name he mostly called me unless there was something serious to discuss }, "I can NEVER get rid of that cream suit ! That's my LUCKY SUIT ! " "Y'know, it had to be a good 20 years ago that I wore it for the first time. I was going to a rehearsal dinner and got ready early 'cause some of the guys were gonna play a few hands of poker first. I thought a black shirt and black shoes would look snappy with it. " "I was hungry and drove to a diner. Y'know, the one in your old neighborhood near the Police precinct. It was down the block from where my friend lived. Y'know the place I'm talkin' about ? What was the name of it ? I wonder if its still there. " "Anyway, when I came out, it started pouring like mad and I saw these two little girls opening an umbrella. But it wasn't any old umbrella; it was the first time I ever saw a collapsible umbrella and it fascinated me. I thought, why didn't I invent that !" "Anyway, I yelled, 'Girls Girls...would you walk me to my car ?'" "Oh my God !", my jaw dropped and I suddenly stood with the shock of the unexpected revelation, "We have to call my sister right away ! " "What's the matter, Babe ? Did you forget to do something important?" " No, no. You have to tell her this story right now or you may never know just how lucky that suit really is.", I insisted. Despite the midnight hour on a work night, Gigi was phoned and Dom unwittingly retold the unfinished story. He wanted to finally say how he always won in poker whenever he wore the Lucky Suit. Instead he was interrupted again with her holler of recognition, " OH WOW - OH WOW !" To everyone's surprise, Dom turned out to be, not only the Handsome Man in the rainstorm, but the Motorcycle Man too ! Is it any wonder that the name "Dominic" means "Gift from God" . He certainly was that for me. For many happy decades, the hum of that Candy Apple Red Harley was a delightful reminder of God's mercy in healing me after almost an entire year of being ill ! As for the three piece Lucky Suit, it will forever remain a cherished item in my closet. I will remember to be specific and careful what I ask of God because He gave me exactly, precisely what I had asked for... and more ! WOW ... indeed ! ![]() In the dozen years after the rainstorm, I had attended college, traveled the US, restored a National Shrine, modeled in NY and long since filed thoughts of the handsome man away. I was 24, living in a walk up Studio Apartment over an Italian Restaurant in Manhattan and working for a Motion Picture Production Company. When the weather was agreeable, I spent my Sundays, NY Times in hand, at one of the many parks with my 3 yr old Alsatian Shepherd. It was on a day like that I met the man who was to become my husband. Dom arrived to exercise his black shepherd and asked if I'd like a cup of coffee from the Deli across the street. We stood in the sun together, warming our hands around the paper cups as the two huge dogs happily lumbered in circles around us. As if we had not seen each other in millennia, we chatted until the city turned purple and gold. The now drowsy dogs by our side, we strolled up 37th. Street, where we shared a spontaneous first kiss goodbye. Dominic always referred to the "37 th Street Kiss" as the moment he knew we were meant to be together. A year later our knot was tied. TO BE CONTINUED... { NEXT: THE CONCLUSION ! } ![]() Throughout that rainy afternoon and into the evening, I went over the mental pictures of the man andthe umbrella. I believed I would never lay eyes on him again. As I said my evening prayers, I added with great sincerity, "Dear Heavenly Father, in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, when I grow up, PLEASE send me a husband just exactly like that man." A gawky twelve year old, already towering over all my classmates and growing taller by the minute, I was very uncomfortable in my body. Other girls, women on the streets and fashion magazines all looked like they were put together nicely, while slacks and shirts were forever becoming too short for my long limbs. I had serious misgivings that there could be any husband, { ever ... at all, ! }, in my future and decided to pester God with my earnest request on a daily basis. It would certainly take a miracle. In fact, I consistently petitioned God for two years, until, one evening, in hopeless exhaustion, I told God, "I won't be asking You for this anymore. Whatever Your will for my life is, so be it." It was a great relief to let go of this issue and concentrate on things I thought I could do something about; swimming, singing and school. Despite my drive to excel, a few years later, during a Junior Olympics competition, I was hospitalized with a life threatening illness that warranted immediate surgery and consequently became bed ridden for what seemed an eternity. Schoolmates visited regularly to bring homework and I kept up with my studies. For many, many months, I watched the world go by from my bedroom window. The neighbors definitely had their schedules and I came to know the hour by their activities. Most every afternoon, I heard a Harley approaching. In secret, I watched the man, foreboding in his gear, as he maneuvered the giant red bike to its spot. His actions were always the same; climb off bike, remove helmet, tuck helmet under left arm, run fingers once or twice through hair, look around, light a cigarette and enter a nearby building. An hour or so later, the distinct sound of the Harley's engine clued me that he was leaving. I innocently wondered, without resolve, what he might be up to. Eventually I became well enough to return for the last few weeks of my Junior year of High School. My girlfriends and I walked to and from school together. It was a happy, fun time for me. We often spotted the Motorcycle Man on our way home and dared each other to say hello. Of course, not one of us had the guts. We were convinced he was a Hell's Angel and certain trouble. College was prevalent in our minds and we giggled and chattered about possibilities, knowing that our little group would soon split up forever. TO BE CONTINUED... ![]() My best friend was a Tom Cat named Poochoo when I was twelve. Our souls were in tune with each other and when our family moved that summer, both of us were a little mixed up for awhile. My older sister and I pounced at our freedom the afternoon our Mother released us from moving duties. We had traded one neighborhood in the City for another and were happy to go window shopping in familiar territory. Our escape lasted one short block when black clouds unexpectedly took over with a thunder clap and a gusher of rain. GiGi confidently looked at me as if to say, "No problem !", and proudly reached into her handbag to produce an item no one in NYC yet had, a pocket umbrella, which she had received as a special birthday present from a relative overseas. As she opened it, we heard a man's desperate call to us, "Girls, Girls !" Under the stairway canopy of the corner Diner, stood the finest specimen of a man I had ever seen, wearing a cream suit, shiny black shoes and black shirt. Even Rhett Butler, whom I was secretly in love with, suddenly paled in comparison. It appeared as if a light was glowing only on him. As corny as it sounds, I heard a chorus of angels all around him. Yes, I was a hopeless preteen romantic. I noticed his impish smile and gentle eyes as he continued, "Would you share your umbrella with me ? I'm late for a party and my car is parked just around the corner." Well, if you're at all familiar with these umbrellas, you'll know they're quite small and fitting three under one is impossible, unless one of you really is a cat. Of course, I got bumped into the drenching rain. After all, it wasn't my umbrella. No matter, I was content to walk a few steps behind and continued admiring the view. The man had been honest about his car's location and thanked us as he unlocked the door and got in. Now dripping wet from head to toe, my hair in strings around my face and feet squeaking in soggy shoes, I gleefully chimed, "Oh, that man was SO beautiful ! The MOST beautiful man I EVER saw ! When I grow up, I want to marry a man EXACTLY like that one !" Playing mother, as older sisters sometimes do, and disgusted that our freedom was to be short lived, GiGi scolded, " Don't be ridiculous. That man never even noticed you, nor asked you your name ! Just look at you ! You're sopping ! We have to go home now !" TO BE CONTINUED... ![]() My husband donated life by willing his beautiful body to the Weill Cornell Medical College's Program in Gross Anatomy and Body Visualization. Dominic DeFilippo understood the necessity and importance of hands on experience. He's coming home this week. Well... his ashes are finally coming home after better than two long years. Although the wait for my husband's remains has been a long one, and though some of his family members were seriously opposed to the fulfillment of Dominic's final wishes to the point where they ostracized me, I have absolutely no regrets. In fact, I'm very proud of my sweetheart for being so insightful, unselfish and generous. I intend to make similar arrangements for myself. In the USA, there are approximately 100,000 people waiting and hoping for various organs and tissues. About 2,000 of these are children... and there were only 14,144 people who donated themselves in 2011. More than 46,000 corneas were transplanted last year and more than one million tissue transplants were successfully performed. If you'd like to know more about the DONATE LIFE program in the USA or Weill Cornell Medical College, please read their 2012 article entitled "Top Ten Things You Should Know About Organ Donation", by clicking on the highlighted names you see here. That will directly link you to their websites. John Lennon was SHOT IN THE BACK FOUR TIMES on December 8 th., 1980.
His killer, Mark David Chapman, will have a parole hearing this week at the Wende Correctional Facility in Alden, NY. This twisted coward has been held at the Attica Correctional Facility for 31 years after pleading guilty to second-degree murder. Chapman was sentenced to 20 years to life for his disregard of the sanctity of life. This will be his seventh parole hearing. Yoko Ono, John's widow, submitted a letter to the parole division wherein she stated that Chapman continues to pose a risk to herself, Lennon's two sons, the public and himself. Chapman's hope for parole has caused personal reflection on the influence John Lennon had on my life and what should become of the murderer who cut that influence short. Eleven weeks before the Beatles arrival to the USA, President John F. Kennedy had been assassinated. The entire US population was deeply saddened, shocked and depressed about the loss. These four beautiful young men played simple, up beat, loving music that proliferated hope and repaired the pain. Beatlemania was born. On August 15 th., 1965 the Beatles played a live concert at Shea Stadium in Queens which was filled to capacity with 55,600 people. My father couldn't get tickets for my sister, a girlfriend and me, so he drove us to the Shea parking lot where we could at least listen if not see. The deafening exuberant holler of the crowd was nothing like I had ever heard before or since. I could barely make out a few notes of their songs through the insane roar of the multitude within. My father smiled and covered his ears and said we should leave. That's when I heard John Lennon's voice shout above the racket, "HEY ! HEY! HEY ! WHAT THE HELL IS THE MATTER WITH YOU ALL ???" The crowd fell quiet immediately and John's voice announced, "IF YOU DON'T STOP THE SHRIEKING, WE WON'T BE ABLE TO PLAY FOR YOU. WE CAN'T EVEN HEAR OURSELVES OR EACH OTHER. OKAY ?" The crowd murmured in confusion. The Beatles started up a new song, but the audience was overly energized and the screams became more thunderous than before. We tolerated the noise for awhile and realized hearing anything of value was hopeless. We drove home with heavy hearted disappointment. In time, I owned every Album the Beatles made and learned every song by heart. As I sang along, I daydreamed about good times to come and pondered about the injustices that people unwittingly inflicted upon each other. Yeah, John Lennon had a very positive effect on my life. One of John's lyrics is, "...and in the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make." I hope that tune is played in Chapman's cell over and over and over again until the day God takes him. On this gorgeous August day, the lily pads that have frustrated my friend's lake, are glowing with life.
The patches of water vibrantly reflect the blue sky, reminiscent of a Monet painting. Like a healing balm, they exude a deep inner state of quietness within, bringing to mind a favorite quote that more deeply penetrates the soul: "Peace I leave with you, My peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid." John 14:27 When I allow these words to fill my mind, tension and worry leave and a powerful sense of healing spreads over me. May it do the same for you and fill our world with the greatest peace of all. |
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